established FSKOREA
Registered as stock company
Head office moved to Seoul Kangbuk-KU
Award 5million dollor export top from President in Korea
Acquired ground for Dongduchun factory
Dongduchun factory build completed
Buld the second Dongduchun factory
Registered as venture business company to Small and Medium Business Administration
Earned ISO9002, KS A 9002, INISO 29002
Award 10million export top from Ministry of Commerce
Earned BVQI SA 8000, ISO 9001
Award Fist prize from Small and Medium Business Administration
Award First prize of Korea business & mangement in part of technical innovation
Take over Junggedong factory
Award innovation prize in part of distribution (Korea daily paper)
Earned First class product certification from Ministry of Commerce
Earned INNO-BIZ certification from Small & Medium Business Association
Selected by the trust guarantee funds as Best-Partner
Award president of trade association prize from trade association