established FSKOREA |
Registered as stock company |
Head office moved to Seoul Kangbuk-KU |
Award 5million dollor export top from President in Korea |
Acquired ground for Dongduchun factory |
Dongduchun factory build completed |
Buld the second Dongduchun factory |
Registered as venture business company to Small and Medium Business Administration |
Earned ISO9002, KS A 9002, INISO 29002 |
Award 10million export top from Ministry of Commerce |
Earned BVQI SA 8000, ISO 9001 |
Award Fist prize from Small and Medium Business Administration |
Award First prize of Korea business & mangement in part of technical innovation |
Take over Junggedong factory |
Award innovation prize in part of distribution (Korea daily paper) |
Earned First class product certification from Ministry of Commerce |
Earned INNO-BIZ certification from Small & Medium Business Association |
Selected by the trust guarantee funds as Best-Partner |
Award president of trade association prize from trade association |